Application phase for the 5th FinTechGermany Award started

Kick-off for the application phase for the 5th FinTech Germany Award (FTGA): The prize, which is one of the leading awards for FinTech companies in Germany, offers young companies from the financial sector the opportunity to receive awards in up to eight categories.The application deadline is 31 March 2020 and the award ceremony will take place on 14 May 2020 in Frankfurt. Further information about the award and the conditions for participation can be found at
The FinTech Germany Award is presented by a top-class jury on behalf of the FTGA organisers Frankfurt Main Finance, TechFluence and WM Gruppe/Börsen-Zeitung to outstanding FinTech companies. Financial start-ups of any size from a wide range of sectors - including InsurTech - can take part in the competition.
The jury awards the prestigious prize in the following categories:
– Seed Stage
– Early Stage
– Late Stage
– Growth Stage
– Best Foreign Entrant to Germany
In addition, there will be these special prizes in 2020:
– InsurTech
– Blockchain
– Artificial intelligence
The jury, chaired by Michael Mellinghoff (TechFluence UK) and Franz Công Bùi (Börsen-Zeitung), consists of sector experts, entrepreneurs and media representatives who deal with digital topics in the finance and insurance industry from different perspectives. As part of the Börsen-Zeitung's Financial Centre Day, selected start-ups will have the opportunity to present themselves to the jury and answer their questions on 4 March 2020.
The festive award ceremony will take place on 14 May 2020 in Frankfurt in the presence of leading minds from the finance and insurance industry and the FinTech scene. Past FTGA winners have included Clark Germany, CRX Markets, Element Insurance, Exporo, Liqid, N26, Revolut, Scalable Capital, SolarisBank, TransferWise, Wefox Germany and WeltSparen/Raisin. An overview of all FinTech Germany Award winners can be found at
"The event has established itself in Germany's financial centre and has developed into an important platform for the exchange between investors and the FinTech scene," explains Dr Jens Zinke, Managing Director of Börsen-Zeitung. Dr. Lutz Raettig, President of Frankfurt Main Finance, emphasises: "FinTechs are of enormous importance for Frankfurt as a financial centre, so that the region remains attractive and economically efficient in the long term." In this context, Michael Mellinghoff, Managing Director of TechFluence UK and Co-Chairman of the jury, emphasises: "The German FinTech industry is growing and developing in leaps and bounds. We are still in an early phase of the digitalisation of the financial sector."