FTGA now on 17.09.20 – more than 200 applicants!

In view of the current situation due to the coronavirus, the three co-organizers Börsen-Zeitung, TechFluence UK and Frankfurt Main Finance e.V. have postponed the date for the presentation of the FinTechGermany Award from May to 17 September 2020. This decision was not taken lightly, but there was no alternative in view of the current situation. There will be no changes in the general conditions, the programme and the participating jury members and moderators. Thanks to the great flexibility of all those involved, especially the sponsors of the Awards, the planning for the award ceremony in September can continue unchanged.The high significance of the event is underlined by the strong participation of young companies.
At the end of the application phase on 31.03.20, more than 200 startups and scaleups in the five categories and three special prizes will be available for selection, including the companies nominated by the jurors.